How can we help you today?

Does filu offer house visits?
No, we do not offer a mobile service. However, you will soon be able to address many concerns comfortably from home via our chat and video consultation service. Our veterinarians are available for further treatments in our practices.
Will my pet receive pain medication after the surgery?
Yes, of course, your pet will receive adequate pain medication during and after the surgery, adjusted to the procedure. At the latest when you pick up your pet, we will show you exactly how to administer the medications and explain what else you need to consider. Should you have trouble giving your pet the medication, we will find a solution together.
Can I pick up medication for my pet directly from you?
If your pet has already been treated by us and has previously received the medication, you can pick it up again after consulting with one of our veterinarians. The reason is that continuous administration of certain medications may require periodic control examinations/blood tests. If you have not been to our clinic before, a general examination is necessary before we can dispense medications. If you need medication that you normally get from another veterinarian and they are currently closed, we will need a current medical report or doctor's report for the animal in order to provide you with the specific medications.
I regularly brush my pet's teeth - does it still need a dental cleaning?
It's great if you're already brushing your pet's teeth regularly. If you have any questions about it, we'd be happy to show you again how best to brush your pet's teeth. This reduces the amount of tartar, plaque, and harmful bacteria in your pet's mouth but does not completely eliminate them. It's similar to us humans - even with regular tooth brushing and flossing, we should undergo dental cleanings regularly. Our experienced team can also clean hard-to-reach places and check and treat for cavities, fractures, and other dental problems.
Against which parasites is my spot-on treatment effective and how long does the effect last?
- Effectiveness: Effective against a variety of parasites such as fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, sand flies, lice, and biting flies.
- Protection Duration: Between 2 and 4 weeks.
- Effectiveness: Provides protection against ticks, fleas, and lice.
- Protection Duration: Spot-On lasts 2 to 4 weeks, while the spray works for about 2 weeks.
- Effectiveness: Fights fleas and a variety of mites, including ear mites, as well as lice, lice, and various worms such as roundworms and hookworms. Additionally used for prevention against heartworm larvae and can repel ticks in some dogs.
- Protection Duration: 3 to 4 weeks.
- Effective against:
- Fleas (Ctenocephalides spp.) with a protection duration of 3 to 4 weeks.
- Heartworms (Dirofilaria immitis), more information.
- Ear mites (Otodectes cynotis), more information and Ear mites in cats.
- Additional protection in dogs against:
- Lice (Trichodectes canis),
- Sarcoptic mange (Sarcoptes scabiei),
- Roundworms (Toxocara canis).
- And in cats against:
- Adult roundworms (Toxocara cati),
- Adult hookworms (Ancylostoma tubaeforme),
- Lice (Felicola subrostratus).
Nexgard Combo (specifically for cats):
- Effectiveness: Protection against all ectoparasites, including ticks, fleas, mites (including ear mites and mange).
- Protection Duration: 4 weeks.
- Effectiveness: Targets the elimination of roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms.
- Effectiveness: Effective against flea and tick infestations and also acts against mites.
- Protection Duration: 4 weeks.
Is health insurance for my pet advisable?
Insurance for your pet is advisable, as unexpected accidents and high veterinary costs can arise quickly. Different insurance options offer various benefits, so you should carefully compare the offers before concluding.
Is payment by invoice or in installments possible?
We appreciate your understanding that we accept card payments exclusively. We do not offer cash payment or purchase on account.
Is there an opportunity to make a trial visit?
Coming soon, we will offer our 'Basics for Puppy Parents' session, in which you will receive a 15-minute introduction to our practice and helpful tips for medically handling your puppy. This way, your four-legged friend can get to know the practice without the 'medical prick'.
Can I buy medication from you even if I have never been at your practice?
Legally, we are required to have examined your pet at least once before we can dispense medications. If you need medication that you normally receive from another veterinarian and they are currently closed, we require a current medical report or doctor's report for the animal in order to provide you with the specific medications.
Can my pet eat other foods during a veterinarian-recommended elimination diet?
No, during an elimination diet, your pet should only consume the food and water prescribed by the veterinarian. First improvements often appear after 2-3 weeks, but it can take longer. Any additional treats can disrupt the diet and lead to a restart.
Are there first aid kits available for purchase?
For a small first aid kit, we recommend the following items:
- Bandage materials (such as gauze bandages, medical tape, etc.)
- Sterile glovesWound cleaning agent (iodine or a non-irritating antiseptic)
- Eye rinse (from the pharmacy)
- Small ice packs to reduce swelling
- Tweezers, tick pliers
- Thermometer (with a soft and flexible tip)
- A blanket that can be used for calming as well as for carrying
We highly recommend the first aid kit from LILA LOVES IT ( or Poc Doc (
Do you offer the opportunity for a student internship?
Yes, starting from the school year 23/24, you can complete a student internship with us. Please submit your application through the career section on our website.
Is there an alternative to surgical neutering?
Besides surgical neutering, there is hormonal neutering for dogs and cats. Here, a type of "chip" is placed under your pet's skin, which releases hormones leading to temporary infertility and thus dampens testosterone-dependent behaviors. Our team will be happy to explain the exact effect and the process of insertion in a conversation. Sometimes, inserting this hormonal implant can be useful to temporarily test what kind of temperament and behavioral changes would occur with surgical (permanent) neutering.
Can it be "too late" to neuter my pet?
Generally, there is no "too late" for neutering. However, with increasing age, the procedures become more strenuous, and an older animal may take longer to recover than a younger one, just as in humans.
Do you also treat birds or reptiles/amphibians?
We specialize in small animals such as dogs, cats, rabbits, and other rodents. For the treatment of birds and reptiles, we recommend visiting a specialist.
My pet needs surgery. What are the first steps?
Depending on whether your pet has already been examined at filu or referred from another practice, a preliminary examination is carried out before every surgery. At this appointment, your darling will be thoroughly checked: in addition to a general physical examination, a blood test will be initiated to rule out possible organ dysfunction or other accompanying diseases and infections. In this preliminary talk, we also discuss together the procedure and the approximate costs of the upcoming surgery, inform you individually about the anesthesia risk of your pet, and take time for your questions. Usually, we have the blood test results a few days after the blood draw, so we can inform you about the results promptly and ideally schedule a surgery date with you. In an emergency, we can also quickly perform all important pre-operative blood tests in our in-house laboratory and thus still respond to any particularities. If your animal shows an unusual blood finding or there is an increased risk of anesthesia for another reason, it may sometimes be necessary to postpone a planned surgery. If the planned procedure is urgent and needed soon, we naturally choose an anesthesia method that is gentle and adapted to the health condition of your animal.
Are the results of my pet's lab test available yet?
Our practice team will contact you as soon as results are available. It is not necessary to call for this. In the case of inconspicuous findings or multiple attempts to call, notification will be made via email.
My pet has persistent bad breath - will a dental treatment help?
Bad breath is a typical sign of a dental or oral cavity disease but can also have other causes. Your veterinarian will discuss with you other possible reasons if the bad breath does not improve despite dental treatment.
Can I come to you with an emergency?
In case of emergencies, it is advisable that you call first and inquire about the current capacity of our practice, so that we can ensure a medically appropriate treatment. After consulting with our doctors, we can then guarantee the treatment of your pet. On-site, we can provide initial care, stabilize the animal, and determine if surgery is necessary. We can perform many surgeries directly at our practice, but may also need to refer special cases to a clinic.
Can I prepare for an emergency?
In case of emergencies, it is advisable to be equipped with a first aid kit to provide initial care and stabilize your pet before you come to our practice. Please note that your animal may behave differently if it is in pain and/or afraid - some animals react aggressively under stress and may try to bite. In such cases, you should leave the initial care of your favorite to medical professionals. Also, always have your pet's vaccination passport and all important medical documents ready.
Do I need to strictly adhere to the prescribed intervals for vaccinations?
Yes, it is important to adhere as closely as possible to the prescribed intervals for vaccinations in pets to ensure complete protection. This is particularly crucial during the basic immunization phase and the booster vaccination. If a vaccination appointment is missed, it is advisable to consult with filu immediately to clarify the next steps. This ensures that your pet receives the best possible protection.
My pet is very old (or very young) - is anesthesia still safe?
Similar to humans, very old or very young animals may have an increased risk of anesthesia. In a thorough preliminary examination, we individually assess which risk category applies to your furry friend and choose a gentle and safe anesthesia protocol accordingly - the technically competent care within the scope of our medical staff's intensive clinical experience is especially important in these cases. Regardless of whether there is an increased or only minor risk of anesthesia complications, all our patients are, of course, carefully monitored throughout the entire anesthesia and lovingly cared for by our team during the recovery phase.
My pet is in perfect health - does it still need an annual health check?
Yes, your animal should be examined regularly, even if it appears completely healthy - because that's exactly how it should stay! Unfortunately, animals often hide their illnesses very well, and there are diseases that only become apparent very late. Regular examinations serve to prevent more severe illnesses and at the same time enable early detection and treatment. Vaccinations are also only effective if they are refreshed regularly. In addition to the major health benefits of an annual check-up, regular visits to the practice also provide the best opportunity for your animal to get used to veterinary visits without stress and negative experiences, and to build trust with 'its' veterinarian. Especially young animals learn through regular practice visits to visit the vet in a playful manner, so that in the long term, both humans and animals can benefit from a relaxed coexistence.
My pet seems to be in pain and I feel that the medication is not effective enough. Can I give my pet something else at home?
Many human medications, especially painkillers, are toxic to pets! Therefore, never give anything to your pet without first speaking with us or a veterinarian you trust. We can prescribe additional painkillers if necessary. Just give us a call or contact us via chat or email.
Can you transfer the health data of my pet from another veterinarian?
Just let us know the name of your last veterinarian, and we will try to request your pet's health data. However, sometimes you may need to request the data yourself and then you can send it to us directly via email or upload it in your customer portal.
Are you available for emergencies outside of your opening hours?
Unfortunately, no. In this case, we ask you to visit the surrounding emergency clinics. They are accessible and available 24/7 for you.
When is the next vaccination due for my pet?
If you are a customer at filu, you will receive timely reminders for the next vaccination via email and your personal online profile. If you are not a customer at filu, you can send a photo of your vaccination passport via chat or email, so we can check and book the next appointment for you.
How much does neutering cost?
You will receive the greatest possible cost transparency in the pre-surgery consultation with us. Like all veterinary services, we are also bound by the "Gebührenordnung für Tierärzte" (GOT, Fee Schedule for Veterinarians). However, please consider that prices depend on the type, size, age, and the overall health condition of the animal, which means that the effort of the procedure and the amount of medication required can vary.
When should I have my pet neutered?
Depending on the species, breed, gender, size, and not least the indication, different periods are suitable for neutering. Each animal and every situation is individual - feel free to consult with us on-site for advice.
When is the right time to vaccinate my puppy?
Puppy vaccinations typically begin at about six to eight weeks of age. Depending on exposure (high risk of infection), a puppy can be vaccinated earlier. Here is a general vaccination schedule for puppies:
- First Vaccinations (6-8 Weeks): The first vaccinations usually include protection against Parvovirus, Distemper, and Adenovirus (Hepatitis). Sometimes a vaccination against Bordetella (Kennel Cough) is also given at this time.
- Follow-up Vaccinations (10-12 Weeks): The second round of vaccinations is administered about three to four weeks after the first. These vaccinations reinforce protection against the diseases already mentioned and may also provide additional protection against Leptospirosis, Bordetella, Influenza, and/or Coronavirus.
- Additional Vaccinations (14-16 Weeks): At this age, the puppy typically receives the last dose of the basic immunizations. This also includes the first vaccination against Rabies, which is administered depending on local regulations and the veterinarian's recommendations.
- Booster Vaccinations: A year after the initial vaccinations, booster vaccinations are recommended to maintain protection.
It's important that you work with your veterinarian to create an individual vaccination plan for your puppy, based on its specific needs, health status, and the risk factors of the region you live in. Some vaccines may be optional, depending on your dog's lifestyle and environment.
Should I have my pet neutered and if so, when?
The decision whether a medical indication for surgical neutering exists should be made together between the veterinarian and the owner. The minimum age for neutering varies depending on the type of animal, breed, and gender.
Which types of animals do you treat in your practice?
Our practice specializes in the treatment of small animals, particularly dogs and cats.
Do you also sell pet food?
No, we do not currently sell pet food. We only have food samples in stock that we can provide. For the purchase of special food, please turn to a pet specialty store.
What requirements must be met to travel abroad with my pet?
For traveling abroad, you need an EU pet passport, a valid rabies vaccination, and a microchip for your pet. Additional requirements such as deworming can vary by country. Be sure to inform yourself about the specific entry regulations before your trip.
When can I bathe my pet again or go swimming with it?
During the follow-up appointment, which takes place about 10 days after the surgery, we can already give you a first assessment of the healing status and sensitivity of the wound. However, you should wait at least 14 days before bathing or swimming your pet again. The wound should be completely healed by then - water, soap, or dirt could otherwise get into the wound and infect it.
What should I do if I can't find my reason for visit when booking an appointment?
If you do not find the reason for your visit in the list, please select 'Routine'. You also have the option to describe the reason and symptoms of your pet in more detail, so we can prepare accordingly.
Who is behind filu?
Behind filu, founded by veterinarian Dr. Anna Magdalena Naderer, is a team with many years of medical experience, dedicated to improving the experience surrounding veterinary visits for veterinarians and pet parents.
What are common risks associated with vaccinations?
Every animal is thoroughly and conscientiously examined by our team of veterinarians before vaccination, ensuring that only healthy and physically fit animals are vaccinated. Especially for vaccinations that are not part of the core vaccinations, we carefully assess their necessity - as the general rule is to vaccinate only as much and as often as necessary. However, there can be rare cases of local reactions at the injection site (redness, swelling) or very rarely, an anaphylactic reaction (shock). Our veterinarians are all trained in recognizing such reactions and carrying out necessary countermeasures. After each vaccination, you should stay with your pet in our practice rooms for about 15 minutes, so we can react quickly in case of emergency. Also, you should not physically strain your pet or expose it to stress in the first few days after a vaccination. If you notice any abnormalities in your pet, do not hesitate to contact us!
What is the difference between neutering and sterilization?
In neutering, the reproductive glands, i.e., testes or ovaries, are surgically removed, making it impossible for the animal to produce sexual hormones, resulting in infertility. In sterilization, the germinal tracts (vas deferens or fallopian tubes) are cut or tied off. The animal becomes infertile, but the production of sexual hormones remains intact. Since undesirable or exaggerated behaviors such as excessive mounting, aggressive behavior, or problems like pseudopregnancy or uterine diseases are hormonally driven, sterilization is usually not sensible in most cases. If you have any questions about sterilization, please feel free to ask us!
What should I pay attention to at home after the surgery?
In the first few hours after anesthesia, your pet should not receive any water or food - we will discuss the specifics with you when you come for the pickup. Depending on the duration of the procedure and the length of the anesthesia, it may be that your pet is still very tired and a bit unsteady on their feet at home on the day of the surgery and sometimes the following day. Also, the body temperature may be slightly elevated the day after the surgery but should return to about 38-39°C (100.4-102.2°F for dogs and cats) by the evening. In most cases, after the surgery, your pet will be given a bodysuit or a neck collar - please take special care to ensure that the surgical wound is not licked or nibbled at. Additionally, your pet should rest during the first few days to weeks after the surgery - long walks and vigorous play and bathing should be avoided during this time to allow the wound to heal well and for your furry friend to recover from the procedure. About 10 days later, the stitches from the skin suture will be removed, and a precise wound check will be conducted (at the latest by then). If you notice any redness, swelling, or other problems beforehand, do not hesitate to contact us - we are here for that.
What should I consider on the day of the surgery?
Please ensure that your pet is fasting on the day of the surgery. Typically, all scheduled surgeries at filu take place in the morning, so your furry friend should not eat anything the evening before (12 hours before surgery for cats and dogs) - this includes no treats. Please also inform other family members so they do not feed your pet. Your pet is allowed to have water up to about two hours before the surgery. Ideally, your pet should have urinated and defecated before the procedure.
How much does a specific treatment cost?
The costs for treatments are based on the German Fee Schedule for Veterinarians (Gebührenordnung für Tierärzte, GOT). Since the scope and details of each treatment can vary, we are unable to provide fixed prices in advance. We can only provide guidelines, which may vary from one animal to another.
How is a surgery performed at your facility?
Before the surgery, we conduct a general examination of your pet to check its health status as well as its suitability for anesthesia and surgery. You will then have a detailed discussion with one of our veterinarians who will explain the procedure of the operation to you precisely. We use gentle anesthesia and continuously monitor your pet during anesthesia by a veterinary medical assistant and with monitors according to clinic standards.
Will my pet be put under anesthesia during the treatment?
Yes - only under anesthesia can a thorough and, most importantly, pain-free cleaning of the teeth be carried out. We understand that anesthesia can be concerning. However, we assure you that this is a standard procedure and should not cause worry. Our anesthesia protocol is very gentle, and your beloved pet will be optimally monitored at every stage. It is far riskier for your pet to forego regular dental treatment. As with any anesthesia, we will thoroughly examine your pet before a dental treatment and perform a blood analysis to ensure that your furry friend is not at risk for anesthesia. If there are doubts about your pet's suitability for anesthesia, your veterinarian will inform you and discuss suitable alternatives with you.
How long must my pet stay at the clinic after the procedure?
Typically, you can pick up your beloved pet just a few hours after the surgery. While your four-legged friend is still in the recovery phase, they will be well-monitored by us - we will inform you in time about their condition and the exact time you can come to pick them up.
How can I contact filu if I have questions or uncertainties about my four-legged friend?
If you have any questions or uncertainties, you can easily contact filu via email (, phone, and soon through chat (website, mobile app, customer portal). You are also always welcome to visit our practice on short notice.
How do I book an appointment with filu?
You can easily book an appointment via the Internet browser. Simply select the reason for your visit, and available appointments will be displayed to you.
How much does a dental treatment cost?
The costs may vary depending on the scope. In the preliminary discussion, we will show you the costs based on the initial examination and discuss them with you transparently.
How long after heat can a female dog be spayed?
We recommend performing neutering about 2-3 months after the end of the heat cycle. During heat, your pet's uterus becomes larger and more sensitive, and it is also more heavily blooded. This can increase the risk of bleeding during the operation, as well as during the recovery period. However, don't worry too much in advance. We will discuss everything relevant for you and your pet in the pre-surgery consultation and arrange an appointment that suits both you and your pet.
How often should I deworm?
The frequency of deworming in dogs and cats depends on various factors, such as the age of the animal, its lifestyle, and the risk of infection in the environment. Here are general guidelines:
- Puppies and Kittens: They should be dewormed more frequently, usually every two weeks until they are about 12 weeks old, and then monthly until the age of six months.
- Adult Dogs and Cats: For adult animals, the frequency of deworming can vary. Animals that are outdoors or have contact with other animals should be dewormed more frequently, possibly every three to six months. For pets that mostly live indoors and have less risk, deworming may be needed less often.
- Dogs and Cats with Special Risk: Hunting dogs or animals that are often outdoors and have contact with wild animals may need to be dewormed more often.
It is important to talk to your veterinarian to create an individual deworming plan for your pet based on its specific needs and living conditions. Your veterinarian can also recommend conducting regular fecal exams to determine if deworming is necessary.
How often and from what age should my cat be vaccinated?
The basic immunization for kittens starts from the 8th week of life. After the basic immunization is complete, cats are vaccinated every 1 or 3 years, depending on the vaccine manufacturer.
How long does a dental treatment take?
Typically, the treatment lasts between 45 - 90 minutes, depending on whether additional measures, such as taking X-rays or performing tooth extractions, are necessary. After assessing the status of the teeth in the preliminary examination, we will inform you in advance at the practice about the approximate duration of the procedure and let you know as soon as your pet can go home with you. In the meantime, your beloved animal can wake up relaxed here and will be well cared for until you pick it up.
How often should I have a dental treatment done?
Generally, it is advisable to have dental treatment at least every 2-3 years. However, this can vary depending on the age, breed, and condition of the teeth. If you are unsure whether your pet's teeth need treatment, simply speak directly to one of our veterinarians - we are happy to advise you.
What types of specialized examinations does filu offer?
At filu, internal medicine encompasses a wide range of specialized examinations to diagnose and treat diseases of internal organs and the musculoskeletal system. Our veterinarians are capable of identifying and treating a variety of conditions affecting systems such as the skin, heart, digestive organs, hormonal system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and eyes. We use state-of-the-art technologies and methods to make accurate diagnoses and create effective treatment plans.
How do pets and their owners benefit from filu's specialized services?
At filu, pets and their owners benefit from a team of highly qualified and experienced veterinarians, each specializing in different areas of veterinary medicine. This enables comprehensive care, especially in complex cases involving multiple systems. Our clinics are equipped with advanced technology, allowing us to make precise diagnoses and offer tailored treatment plans. Moreover, we place a high emphasis on continuous education and teamwork, meaning our patients benefit from the collective expertise and collaborative approach of our team.
How do X-rays and similar imaging techniques assist in examinations?
If bone changes or chest and abdominal diseases are suspected, imaging techniques such as X-rays and ultrasound can be performed in our practice. No anesthesia is usually required, but mild sedation may be helpful for anxious animals or certain tests. A short anesthetic may be required for head and tooth X-rays or endoscopies. After sedation or anesthesia, your pet can recover with us and go home the same day. All procedures, alternatives and costs are discussed with you in advance. We're here to answer your questions and take care of you and your pet.
How and when can I book a Wellness Wednesday appointment?
You can book a preventive appointment at any time, for our special Wellness Wednesday, please make an appointment on a Wednesday. Simply select Wellness Wednesday online under “Book an appointment” and you're ready to go!
Of course, you can also make an appointment by phone.
Since Wellness Wednesday appointments are popular and quickly booked, we recommend that you book your appointment early.
Take the opportunity to give your pet a comprehensive preventive examination and at the same time secure a 25€ voucher for our great product shop.
How do I log in to my.filu?
You can log in the same way as you would when booking an appointment online, without a password, just with your email address. If you are already logged in to the browser (e.g. because you have booked an appointment), you will automatically be logged into my.filu.
Is there a mobile app?
We are currently working on an app, which should be released in 2024. Until then (and afterwards), you can easily use my.filu in the browser on your mobile phone or computer by visiting
Which data can I change?
You can edit your pets' details (such as name or date of birth) if they're missing or incorrect. Once added, the chip number can only be changed in one of our clinics.
Warum sollte ich die Tierphysiotherapie bei filu wählen?
Bei filu ist es besonders praktisch, da wir Tiermedizin und Physiotherapie unter einem Dach vereinen, was eine integrierte und umfassende Betreuung ermöglicht.
What is examined on Wellness Wednesday and why should I make such a preventive appointment regularly?
Four tests are carried out on Wellness Wednesday:
- general examination,
- blood count,
- serum chemistry and
- fecal examination.
These are important to monitor your pet's health, even if it appears healthy. Regular preventive examinations help to establish individual comparative values and to identify early signs of illness. Discreet results are valuable as they provide an early warning system and show that your animal is currently healthy.
Can I switch between the two locations of the filu veterinary practice in Munich?
Yes, you can easily switch between our two locations at the filu Veterinary Practice Munich in Schwabing and on Theresienwiese. Thanks to our central system, we have access to the data about you and your animal at both locations at any time, so that treatment can continue seamlessly.
Für welche Tiere bietet filu Physiotherapie an?
Bei filu bieten wir Physiotherapie für Hunde und Katzen an.
How much does a Wellness Wednesday examination cost?
Four tests are carried out on Wellness Wednesday:
a general examination, a blood count, a serum chemistry and a fecal test.
The price for this is around 200€.
However, due to individual cases, price deviations are also possible here, for example when examining further blood values, further examinations (e.g. detailed dental examination), or because an additional vaccination is pending.
Does filu Veterinary Practice Munich also offer emergency treatment?
Yes, the filu veterinary practice in Munich also offers emergency treatment at its locations in Schwabing and Theresienwiese. In the event of an emergency, you can contact us directly by phone and we will ensure that your pet receives the necessary medical care as quickly as possible.
Which values are checked on Wellness Wednesday and why is that important?
- In blood count Parameters such as the number of red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes) are measured. The erythrocytes transport oxygen in the body, the leukocytes are part of the immune system and fight infections, and the platelets are important for blood clotting. Changes in values can indicate various diseases, including anemia, infectious diseases (e.g. tick-borne diseases), inflammation in the body, tumours, malnutrition or disorders in the water balance.
- Serum chemistry measures the concentration of various substances in the blood. These include blood sugar levels and various kidney and liver values. Changes can indicate diabetes, impaired kidney or liver function, tumour diseases or impaired thyroid function, for example.
- In the faecal test The smallest components of roundworms, hookworms and whipworms as well as the cucumber seed tapeworm are detected, regardless of egg excretion in just one faecal sample. These worms can also infect us humans and are unfortunately widespread. The test also helps to check whether the frequency of deworming your animal is sufficient. So be sure to bring a faecal sample with you for the examination, ideally from the day of your appointment.
How do I book an appointment with filu Veterinary Practice Munich?
It is very easy to book an appointment with the filu veterinary practice in Munich. You can easily book it online via our website or our customer portal by choosing the location that suits you best — Schwabing or Theresienwiese. Our system shows you all available dates so that you can flexibly choose the one that's right for you.
When will I get the results of the blood test?
The tests are carried out in an external laboratory and are usually available within 1-3 working days. One of our veterinarians will then call you.
What services do you offer at the filu veterinary practice in Munich?
At the filu veterinary practice in Munich, we offer comprehensive veterinary services. These include preventive examinations, vaccinations, dental treatments, surgical procedures, modern diagnostics (e.g. X-rays, ultrasound) and laboratory tests. We are also happy to advise you on nutritional and behavioral issues. In an emergency, we are also there for your pet.
Why do we offer Wellness Wednesday?
We would like to draw your attention to how important regular preventive appointments are to ensure your pet's health in the long term. With regular check-ups, we can identify and treat health problems at an early stage. Our Wellness Wednesday is there to encourage you to proactively monitor your animals' health and ensure they receive the best possible care. With a thorough examination and a great voucher for our product shop, we hope to motivate you to take regular preventive appointments and do something good for you at the same time.
Where can I get the voucher and how can I use it?
You will receive the voucher from our service team after the Wellness Wednesday examination. It can be redeemed both in practice at Theresienwiese and in Schwabing. There you can find products from Lila loves it, LucyBalu, Fred & Felia, Alma & Gustl, Pets Deli and many more.
Can I also use the wellness Wednesday benefits on another day?
Yes, it is possible. You can make your retirement appointment at any time. However, we only offer the special campaign to draw attention to the importance of preventive examinations on Wednesdays. The 25€ voucher is therefore currently only available on Wellness Wednesday.