Cat poop - What it reveals about your pet's health!

Cats are not only fascinating companions, but also true masters of discretion. But even the most elegant and secretive cats rely on a necessary everyday habit: visiting the litter box. While you are tasked with cleaning the litter box, this exact moment can provide you with valuable insights into your cat's health. In this blog post, we will tell you everything you need to know about how to interpret cat droppings correctly and which warning signs you should pay attention to.

Katze und Katzenkot

The ideal cat poop

Healthy cat droppings should ideally have the following characteristics:

color: The feces should have a normal brown color.

shape: The shape of the poop should be uniform and sausage-shaped.

Consistency: The poop should be firm but not too hard.

Smell: A slight putrid smell is normal because cats are carnivores and the breakdown of proteins can result in an unpleasant smell.

If your cat's droppings differ significantly from these characteristics, this may be the first sign of a serious illness. It is therefore important to check your cat's poop occasionally.

What does the color of cat poop mean

The color of cat poop can tell a lot about your cat's health:

green: Green poop indicates that your cat may have eaten too much grass or greens. As long as there are no further symptoms and the color of the feces returns to normal after a few days, there is no need to worry.

yellow: Yellow poop may indicate liver or pancreatic problems. A visit to the vet is recommended.

white: There are various reasons for the bright color of your cat's poop. One possible explanation could be an increased calcium content if the cat has eaten a lot of bones, for example. However, this can also lead to injuries to the intestines, which provoke so-called “bone feces.”

black: If your cat secretes black faeces, this could indicate damage to the gastrointestinal tract (esophagus, stomach, small intestine) or swallowed blood (e.g. if there is a nosebleed). It is highly recommended to see a vet. However, there is no need to worry if your cat has eaten blood-containing food, raw liver, or charcoal tablets before.

red: Red feces indicate bleeding in the back of the digestive tract. Consult a vet immediately.

grey: If your cat's poop is grey, this could be an indication that the pancreas is malfunctioning. In such cases, the feces are also often greasy and mushy.

White polka dots: If you notice white spots or stripes in your cat's poop, it could be suffering from worm disease. Another sign of this is when she slides her butt around on the ground.

The importance of the consistency of cat poop

The consistency of cat poop is also an important indicator of health status:

Classic diarrhea: Can have many causes, including viruses, bacteria, or food intolerances.

Liquid with black color: May indicate bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract.

Pudding-like: May indicate feed intolerance or intestinal inflammation.

Sticky and slimy: Indicates improper diet or inflammation in the large intestine.

Soft, foamy, greasy, with slime: May indicate worm or giardia infection.

Sticky, very greasy, with a pungent smell: It is called “fat stool” and can indicate a disease of the pancreas.

Small, dry, hard pieces of poop: May indicate chronic constipation, dehydration, or improper diet. If there is hair in the stool, this speaks of “over-grooming.”

Thin sausages that require a lot of effort: May indicate a narrowing of the large intestine, e.g. due to a tumour.

If the color and consistency of cat droppings deviates from the norm, you should definitely Make an appointment for a vet. The causes mentioned are only indicative of possible causes. Only veterinarians can make an accurate diagnosis and provide the necessary treatment.

How to collect poop samples for the vet

If you report abnormal cat droppings to your vet, they may need a faecal sample to make the correct diagnosis. Before visiting the practice, please check whether a sample is required and to what extent.

It is important that you store the stool sample in a cool, lockable box and that the faeces are as fresh as possible. It's also helpful to collect samples on two to three different days and label them accordingly to take into account the age of the samples when testing. You can use a sterilized plastic jar or a special container from a vet.

Can cat poop be dangerous for me?

Your cat's droppings can not only provide information about their health status, but also provide information about communicable diseases. Some of these diseases can be transmitted to humans when in contact with infected feces. These include salmonellosis, worm disease, cryptosporidiosis, toxoplasmosis, and giardia.

Katzenkot und Gesundheit

How can I avoid infection?

You don't have to be afraid of infection from your cat, as this is extremely rare. In most cases, simple hygiene measures are sufficient to prevent infection:

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before eating.
  • Have a vet check your cat's poop as soon as possible if you notice anything unusual.
  • Avoid your cat licking you, especially on your face.
  • Keep everyday items such as cutlery, plates, or toothbrushes away from your cat.
  • It's best not to let your cat sleep in your bed and provide her own comfortable place to sleep.
  • Clean the cat litter box at least once a day.
  • Clean the cat litter box with boiling water and detergent at least once a month.
  • Always wear gloves when cleaning the litter box or disposing of feces from the garden.
  • Cover sandboxes in your garden to prevent cats from using them as toilets.

By following these tips, you'll minimize the risk of infection and help keep your cat healthy.


Cat droppings are an important indicator of your cat's health. Regular monitoring of the shape, consistency, color, and smell of cat droppings can help you identify potential health problems early on and ensure the best possible care for your velvet paw. At Filu Kann, we will help your darling at any time. If you are unsure whether everything is okay with your velvet paw, then just do Make an appointment quickly online.